Jupiter Retrograde, 2020

Jupiter Retrograde, 2020
Painting: 10 x 13”, Unmatted, Watercolor and White Ink on Cold Press
Contact Amelia for purchasing options.
The assignment was to paint Jupiter. The planet, not the god himself- though a parade of angry women chasing Zeus down did have appeal. I was like ok- freedom, soooo…opening gate? Field? Obsidian arrows for direction because Sagittarius, deer skull because…I like them. Sure, this all works!
I handed it in.
…What is this?” I was asked in the tone of a single pebble falling down a mountainside. A pebble that begins an avalanche.
“Ju…Pit…Errr?” .
“Amelia, Jupiter is about expansion and joy and optimism.”
“…It’s optimistic to… Me?”
“You painted Jupiter in retrograde,” was the patient reply, “which makes sense, it’s happening now. Whoops.”