Unseelie Queen, 2018

Unseelie Queen, 2018
Painting: 13 x 10.75” Framed: 26 x 22”, Watercolor and White Ink on Cold Press
Contact Amelia for purchasing options.
She holds court deep within the forest, in an ancient thicket starved of sunlight and warmth. She waits, silent, endlessly patient amongst the bony brambles and twisted roots. What is she waiting for? She is waiting for the summer light to dwindle and die, the fields to brown, the nights to grow clear and cold. She stirs at the first sharp tang of frost on the air, the dry whisper of the withered leaves spiraling to the ground. As the chill of winter creeps across the earth, she rises from her throne, and steps into our world.
The Unseelie Court reigns during the fall and winter months. They're the fae that you don't necessarily want to run into in the woods at night. Many would describe them as evil. They aren't evil, however; their psychology is simply completely different from ours. What they ARE is necessary. There is no spring without winter, no light without darkness. And they remind us that while winter is long, it will always pass, and we will be wiser and stronger for having survived it.